The Clash Between the Moon and its Sun, Boruto Two Blue Vortex Chapter 7


In Chapter 7 of the Boruto Blue Vortex Manga, the battle between the Moon(Mitsuki) and its Sun(Boruto) was imminent.

As we all know Mitsuki is the Moon hovering in the darkness with no light of its own to cast, and that's why he needs his Sun, for as long his Sun illuminates him, the moon (Mitsuki) can shine too, and light up the darkness with his lunar glow.

During Boruto's back-and-forth battle with Mitsuki, Boruto made it known he was expecting Kawaki to tail him not him(Mitsuki), however, Mitsuki Say's Boruto is overly powerful and if he is to take on Kawaki, as thing's Stands, Boruto will Defeat his Sun, in reply, Boruto seemingly tells Mitsuki if Kawaki Can't Defeat him, then he too Stands no chance against him, in order word's this fight is pointless, However, he said there's yet another reason why he left Kawaki behind, his reasons was so that he can let loose against Boruto without deferring to his Sun!

Mitsuki attacked Boruto with his snake shadow clones with zero success, Boruto replied with his effective attacks, and Mitsuki immediately counterattack with his Snake lighting attacks, at this point, Boruto was just playing around, however, Boruto went forth and made use of his Thunderbolt lightning attack, and with that, the victor was easily decided!

Mitsuki insists that Boruto get it over with, however Boruto tells him, you think you came prepared to die when in fact you've lost Hope, you are feeling desperate, it's because your faith has been shaken, what you believe or rather what you want to believe in you can no longer trust, Kawaki was quite confused and ask what are you talking about, Boruto replies saying, Kawaki the Sun that has been illuminating you lost its radiance at some point, isn't that what you feel, meanwhile Shikamaru in the Hokage office asked Ino to pick up Both Mitsuki voice too as he wishes to here both sides of the conversation however Ino Said it was too risky!

Mitsuki replies telling Boruto he doesn't know a thing, he tells Boruto he is a Grudge bearing Traitor, and that he should stop pretending that he knows him, Boruto replies telling him I do know the current whereabouts of your Sun, at the very least am your Sun It's that simple, Mitsuki was confused, so he immediately tries attacking Boruto with his Snake, Nevertheless, Mitsuki Snake was quite unable to Attack Boruto, Boruto asked him why hasn't his snake attack him yet, Boruto says in fact for a while you've known he is not your Sun, and that no matter how close you stick to him, he refuses to illuminate you, at this point, Mitsuki almost lost it, However, Boruto tells him it's Natural to feel confused, yet you know it's true, for you are the only one who gets to decides what it takes to be your sun

Mitsuki then asks who exactly are you and what do you want, in short Boruto says he doesn't want to kill Kawaki, Nevertheless, he does need to settle things with him at some point, but that's between brothers, also Boruto tells Mitsuki that Lord Seventh(Uzumaki Naruto) and his wife are both alive and safe, lastly Boruto tells Mitsuki that he is indeed capable of Shining his own light, however if he does insist on needed a sun , he should come find him anytime!

Shikamaru then tells Boruto to get himself alone because they both need to talk in private, Shikamaru then said, in summary, thanks to Eida's omnipotent abilities our memories were rewritten to reflect Kawaki's desires, to that Boruto's answer was yes, Nonetheless Boruto Tells Shikamaru he shouldn't bother to figure out how Eida's omnipotence works because you will soon forget anyways, also the very concept of omnipotence won't stick in your memory, so he just needs him to trust that he and Kawaki switch places without any proof, and that though you did figure it out on your own, it's no were close to an ordinary feat, in fact, it was damn impressive!

Shikamaru then asked how can one Reverse those memories, Boruto said they couldn't, and that those memories were real to you and besides even if it was somehow possible that wouldn't resolve the issue between him and Kawaki, because Kawaki sealed Dad (Naruto) away in order to protect him, so there is no point unless he's satisfied and undoes it himself, Boruto also said yet again he doesn't wish to kill Kawaki!

Meanwhile, millions of miles away from all of these, Jura seems to be intrigued by how ignorant he is and the more he seeks to acquire knowledge about the world, however, it's been gradually occurring to him that no book holds answers to his question, so it was time to pay a visit to Uzumaki Naruto!


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