The Rise of the New Generation, Jujustu Kaisen chapter 246

Chapter 246 kicks off with Higuruma and Kusakabe clinging on to life after barely surviving Sukuna's projectile slashes, with the help of Kusakabe Simple Domain, also Kusakabe simple domain seems to weaken Sukuna's Techniques a bit, however, that was the least of their worries Sukuna's projectile slashes are a form of "Dismantle", the slashes that Bisect the "world" is a strengthened "Dismantle" with an expanded range, and finally once hit with his Dismantle projectile technique "Cleave" Activates, however, there was a way to counter-attack his Deadly Dismantle attacks, that's with the help of a Domain technique most especially a Simple Domain, Nevertheless one won't Survive his attack without getting scratched, it's bound to happen! Nonetheless, the biggest question remains, how was Kusakabe able to figure it out, even Satoru Gojo with his six eyes was unable to figure out how Sukuna's Dismantle techniques works, well...