Sukuna the pinnacle of Jujustu sorcery, Reasons Special grade sorcerers never attain Enlightenment

Ever wonder why most Jujustu sorcerers don't reach their full potential, well you not alone, from the recent Information we got concerning the past Jujustu sorcerers of the Golden age eg the Sun, Moon, and Star Squad, The Five Empty Generals serving the Northern Fujiwara clan and the Abe clan's elite force which Included Angels and the Desshi Pacification Squad Composed of Sugawara Clan Remnants, they were all Special Grade Sorcerers!, Yet none Reach Absolute perfection. The same can be said about Kashimo, he was the only Jujustu sorcerer of the past Who came close to perfection but didn't have a firm grip on it, Kashimo was insanely powerful in his era, he was so powerful that none even considered dueling him any longer, he became so powerful due to how enlightened he was in Jujustu sorcery, However during the calling game (chapter 238 of the Jujustu Kaisen manga) when he face-off Sukuna, his death was Speed run by the king of courses!. You see Jujustu sorcery, has lots o...