Kenjaku's Death, Jujustu Kaisen chapter 243 review

In our previous reviews, we've made it known to y'all that if there's ever going to be someone capable of taking down kenjaku it was indeed Okkotsu( the second strongest special grade Sorcerer )! Well, that's exactly what happened, however, it wasn't a one-on-one battle between both of them that led to his( Kenjaku ) demise! , That's the most unpleasant thing about it all, why you may ask, well we all know kenjaku is somewhat Really powerful and so far in the culling game he has been pulling strings and calling shots from behind the scenes, so we least expect him to go down in battle!, Yes, he died on the battlefield, however, he died doing what he loved more! In chapter 243 of the Jujustu Kaisen manga, kenjaku went forth from having a comedic battle with Takaba, which seems right because he couldn't keep up with Takaba and he was taking lots of damage whereas Takaba wasn't taking any damage, these led to kenjaku plotting his way to have a comedic show...