Yuji Itadori the perfect Nemesis of Sukuna

After reconfirming his belief that Sukuna is a course, Yuji Itadori promises Sukuna to make him Stifle his Misery in chapter 214 of the Jujustu Kaisen manga, However, this can't see the light of day, if Yuji continues to be weak, this brings us to the discussion of today, how powerful is Yuji Itadori currently, with the powers he got Can he defeat Sukuna!!. Well Yuji packs powerful punches to checkmate Sukuna in a fist battle, Remember when he faced the grasshopper in the Shibuya incident Arc, guess what, the grasshopper said my four Arms vs your 2 arms, my arms, Jaws, and eyes are better than that of a human, still am the one getting hit, this shows Sukuna is not ready for Yuji Itadori feast, why do we say this, well Sukuna share's the same superiority/egoistism just like the grasshopper, they Both also got more than 2 hands, however like the grasshopper, do with Many hands, during a fist battle, Yuji's coming out superior! Next, what's Itadori Yuji's innate abilit...