Yuji Itadori the perfect Nemesis of Sukuna

After reconfirming his belief that Sukuna is a course, Yuji Itadori promises Sukuna to make him Stifle his Misery in chapter 214 of the Jujustu Kaisen manga, However, this can't see the light of day, if Yuji continues to be weak, this brings us to the discussion of today, how powerful is Yuji Itadori currently, with the powers he got Can he defeat Sukuna!!.

Well Yuji packs powerful punches to checkmate Sukuna in a fist battle, Remember when he faced the grasshopper in the Shibuya incident Arc, guess what, the grasshopper said my four Arms vs your 2 arms, my arms, Jaws, and eyes are better than that of a human, still am the one getting hit, this shows Sukuna is not ready for Yuji Itadori feast, why do we say this, well Sukuna share's the same superiority/egoistism just like the grasshopper, they Both also got more than 2 hands, however like the grasshopper, do with Many hands, during a fist battle, Yuji's coming out superior!

Next, what's Itadori Yuji's innate abilities Gojo was talking about, Satoru said it's not just Yuji's body that allows him to resist Sukuna, he can control him without any problem entirely, we were also told such being appeared once in a thousand years, Yuji indeed has a strong soul, a Soul much more powerful than that of Sukuna, because of how powerful his Soul and his willpower is, he can resist Sukuna willingly, thus do a vessel he became a cage for Sukuna!, Sorcery demands one understanding That the body and Soul are interconnected as one, Yuji understands this already, his clash with Mahito made him fully grips this, on top of that due to him being a vessel he could already see the contents of one's Soul, he could hit them directly unlike any other year 2/ Year 3 Jujustu Sorcerers!, This is important because Mahito pointed out Souls cannot be protected unless the person truly acknowledge one's or subconsciously uses Curse energy to protect one's Soul, indirectly Mahito was saying Yuji has a strong Soul and that's enables him to keep Sukuna at bay! , Mahito also pointed out Do Itadori's Soul is at 10% he is so powerful that he can whale on special grade Sorcerers If he chooses to, hereby saying Itadori's 10% Soul is equivalent to 100% Soul of special grade Sorcerers, that alone is wild. 

Currently, we all could tell Yuji was protecting his Soul Subconsciously/Simultaneously thereby being a cage for Sukuna all this while! The realization of this stresses our view of how powerful Yuji has been all along.

Mahito also reveals Black Flash holds the ultimate power to go up against Sukuna, during the battle of Satoru Gojo vs Sukuna, we saw Gojo's black flash knocking Sukuna out for a while, amidst Yuji's clash with Mahito (Shibuya incident arc), Yuji perfected the ability to directly hit the Soul with black Flash which makes his version of black Flash insanely powerful!

Black Flash also has another ability which is to understand one's Soul, on chapter 127 Mahito claims he wants to do black flash yet again, this is because he wants to understand the essence of his Soul/existence, by doing this he finally grips a full understanding of himself and with the knowledge acquired on chapter 130, he Evolves to a greater being and claims it was thanks to Black Flash!

Yuji is blessed by the spark of black Flash, despite many not being able to make use of black flash at will, Yuji Itadori makes use of it unlimitedly if he chooses to, Inorder word's Yuji has the basic Curse techniques needed to rival Sukuna!!.


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