Shinju Jura Paying a Visit to Uzumaki Naruto, Does it Mean the End of Naruto or Worse

 In our previous blog post, we pointed out the reasons why Shinju Jura is indeed confident that he can take on Uzumaki Naruto, Even without him being aware of the fact that Naruto isn't as powerful as he once was, due to the death of Kurama!

Shinju Jura an evolved Ten Tails sentient being, who's roughly a clone of Isshiki Ōtsutsuki, can tap Into Isshiki's abilities and use it to accomplish his desires, we came to this conclusion after witnessing Hidari ( the Ten-Tails clone of Sasuke) being able to make use of Sasuke Ninjutsu Techniques with ease

In Chapter 7 of the recent Boruto two Blue Vortex Manga, Jura on seeking more knowledge about the Shinobi world, he finds out that the more knowledge he acquires, the more questions arise prompting him there's more he doesn't know, regardless, he later realizes that none of the Books he's been reading hold answers to his Question, as for his dying Question we are yet to know, however, he decided it's time to pay a visit to Uzumaki Naruto

Only Isshiki Ōtsutsuki has access to his Infinite Timeless Dimension ( Dekutoten), however Kawaki on regaining Isshiki's karma thanks to Amado, has been able to tap into Isshiki Ōtsutsuki abilities, thus access Isshiki's dimension with ease, and eventually sealed Naruto away in Isshiki's timeless dimension (Dekutoten), after the death of Isshiki Ōtsutsuki the only person able to access that dimension is Kawaki, however with Jura declaring it's time to pay a visit to Uzumaki Naruto, it seems Jura has quite been able to tap into Isshiki Ōtsutsuki abilities with ease on his end, thus it is right to say Kawaki ain't the only one who has access to Isshiki's Timeless Infinite Dimension (Dekutoten).

On the Bigger Picture, Shinju Jura has gotten full access to Isshiki's abilities, add that to his Rinne Sharingan and his ten Tails Chakra, the Boruto Series is about to hit peak once more, with Boruto or Kawaki or possibly Both confronting Shinju Jura a force to be reckoned with!


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