
Showing posts with the label Minato namikaze signature technique

Minato Flying Raijin , how powerful was it

  Minato Flying Raijin was one of the most complicated and Chakra draining techniques ever to exist in the Shinobi world, for context Sake the flying Raijin technique is a space-time justu created by Tobirama Senju, however, the technique was refined and then perfected by Minato, he also went forth to make it his Signature move! When performing this Justu, the user has to mark his target and that mark stays there even if the user dies, and there is no limit to how many target the user can mark, with this technique, the user enters a dimension and reach his marked target instantaneously, Nonetheless for this justu to work, one need to have tons of Chakra reverse!, that was the catch of this technique, exactly the reason why it wasn't replicated by many powerful Shinobi of the past! When making use of this technique any object/Ninjustu tools the user is holding onto is teleported alongside him, However the larger the object, the more Chakra is required for the technique to work, wher...