Chihiro vs Sojo, the Clash of enchanted Blades, Kagurabachi chapter 17

Chapter 17 of Kagurabachi Manga kicks off with the Clash between Chihiro and Sojo as initially expected, however before the clash, they both sit down and converse, their conversation is mostly entangled around the reason for the creation of the enchanted blades by Rokuhira (Chihiro's Dad), and his will towards the use of the Enchanted Blades Remember Rokuhira told his son Chihiro that Katana's are tools that help save numerous lives and slashed open new Eras, however, one should never forget they're also tools for killing, and as a Swordsmith you shoulder the responsibility of making sure your Katana's never fall into the wrong hands, Rokuhira Never wanted the enchanted blades to go back into the world, because he knew it would be used for selfish reasons, thus bringing forth once more chaos into the world, that's the reason why he hid away from the outside world for Age's, sadly his location was compromised, which led to his death, eventually those who killed...