Can Higuruma end Sukuna, Jujustu Kaisen chapter 244 review

Chapter 244 of the Jujustu Kaisen manga kicks off with Kusakabe plotting ways to take down Sukuna if Yuta Okkotsu was indeed successful in putting an end to kenjaku!! The goal was simply to find someone who was going to go in next if Kashimo was not successful in taking down Sukuna, Kusakabe planned to send in someone who was capable of making use of reverse curse technique, most importantly he should be willing to Die or doesn't minds dying! Higuruma nominated himself to go in next after Kashimo, his reasons were blunt, if Sukuna receives a death sentence, he will be given the executional sword to fight and put an end to Sukuna, take note the executional sword is a cursed tool sure to kill with one blow, however, the possibility of it ending Sukuna life in one blow still remains uncertain! Nonetheless for Higuruma's plans to work, for Sukuna to receive a death sentence, it's a long stretch, here's what I mean, Higuruma's domain expansion Techniques ( Deadly Sentenc...