Takaba Jujustu Techniques is Overpowered, Jujustu Kaisen chapter 242 review

what's special about Takaba, well chapter 242 of the Jujustu Kaisen Manga, verified our past verdict which is Takaba Jujustu technique is not just limited to actively manifesting phenomenon, and there's more The chapter kicks off with kenjaku summoning his special grade Rabel Spirit "Akuro Otake" However Takaba manifested a bus that destroyed Kenjaku Special Grade Rebel Spirit, looking back for a bit Kenjaku made known to all that a special grade Sorcerer is someone who can whale on an entire Nation with ease, considering Takaba being able to no just repel Kenjakus special grade attack but Completely demolish it at first glance with his manifestation phenomenon Technique goes a long way to prove Takaba was indeed a wise pick by Hana to counterattack kenjaku, also with his deeds it indeed validates him(Takaba) being a Special Grade sorcerer! Kenjaku later found out Takaba's Curse technique doesn't just manifest things and compel his participation, it even int...