The Clash of Ideology, Jujustu Kaisen chapter 248 Review

Itadori Yuji tried attacking Sukuna after the death of Higuruma, however, Itadori was Oneshoted By Sukuna, Nevertheless, Sukuna was more worried that even after the Death of Higuruma his Kamutoke Curse tool was still gone, on Gazing at Itadori Yuji he Noticed that Itadori took his Dismantle attack head on and fully Recovered, Turns out in Just One month Itadori Learned and mastered Reverse Curse technique. Nevertheless, Sukuna paid little to no attention to Yuji, He was more concerned about Higuruma, his Death disappointed him, and the thought of him needing someone to fulfill Himself, never once crossed his mind, he has always been someone who chooses if he wants to eat, and eat, when he see an eyesore he kills it, and if it entertain him, he throws it a Bone, that's exactly who he is, and he haven't Changed. He views all as a way to pass time Until his death arrives, that's his ideal. Sukuna views all Sorcerers lacks the hunger to take hold of their desires, meanwhile, ...