Omni-Man vs Homelander, Why it isn't a debate


Homelander is indeed powerful, throughout the boy's series he has accomplished insane feats, his literally the strongest sup on earth, Nonetheless, Homelander has made Questionable decisions that make us wonder how powerful he actually is.

Yes, Indeed Soldier Boy brings the fight to Homelander As seen in season 3 of the Boys series, even Maeve brings the fight to Homelander too, she's definitely the strongest female sup on earth, but many may disagree with that, however, she still being alive till date validate our stand, next up there's Stormfront, she also gave Homelander a tough nut to crack, eventually he did, however, it showed that Homelander is arguably vulnerable!, Lastly Sup Butcher also brings the fight to Homelander, their battle was arguably fair and Square between Both of them. All these mentioned scenes point out that Homelander is totally not all-powerful!!

As for his Questionable decision that made us wonder what's the true extent of his powers, well in season 1 of the series, he made a decision to let a plane crash because he couldn't save all in it, many may argue that he was just being classic Homelander, but here's the thing, on several scenes, we've seen Homelander avoid making use of the full scale of his power, he mostly relied on his lasers eyes and flight, Moreover we haven't seen Homelander go on an all-out battle in the Air to see the full potentials of his flight abilities, in contrast, it is believed Vault has thrown all earth weaponry resources at him ( These also includes Nuclear weapons ) and none have been able to put an end to him!.

It is widely believed that Homelander has so many untapped abilities, and we really can't estimate the full powers of Homelander because no sup in the series has drawn out the full untapped powers of Homelander, However, one thing is certain that's Homelander is totally vincible!!.

As for Omni-Man, it's a different conversation altogether, he is not just Powerful, he is seen as all-powerful even among the viltrumites, yes many may argue he has gone soft, especially for those who've watched Season 2 of the Invincible series so far, Nonetheless, Omni-Man at his Weakest is miles powerful than Homelander and it's not even a debate, to begin with. Omni-Man punched right through Immortal ( the second strongest Earth hero) with ease and then did it Yet Again when Immortal spawned back to life, he also detached his head from his body with just a flick of his hands, he also did that twice!!, He Beat the hell out of Invincible ( The Strongest Earth Hero, his Son ), as for how powerful he is on air well for context Omni-Man saved Earth from an astroid the size of Texas, he also destroyed planets, and accomplished more feats that are straight up unbelievable!!. 

In a battle between both of them, Omni-Man will eat Homelander for breakfast any given day, and am not bluffing!!


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