Is Kenjaku Really Dead, did Yuta Okkotsu Finish off Kenjaku

Previously in chapter 243 in the Jujutsu Kaisen manga, kenjaku was supposedly killed by Yuta Okkotsu, however, did he really kill Kenjaku, that remains the biggest question many seem to ask!

Just after kenjaku was unimaginably defeated by Yuta Okkotsu, his words thereafter were "My will Shall be carried on", kenjaku also admitted he was defeated by Yuta Okkotsu, he even said he hates to leave so much undone, Nevertheless he still acknowledged that his intentions, will and desires will be carried out, which is the merging of all non-sorcerers in Japan with Tengen Thus bringing forth once more the golden era of Jujustu sorcery in Japan!

Kenjaku has been alive for Ages, he has seen the golden era of Jujustu sorcery at its peak and also lived to see how Jujustu sorcery hasn't reached its peak in modern Japan, he was able to live this long via moving from one host body to another using his innate Curse technique! ( Brain Hopping), with his Brain Hopping technique, he was able to take over Suguru Geto body's and has been using it all this while to reach forth his desired Goal!

At the end of chapter 243 of the Jujustu Kaisen manga Yuta Okkotsu Indeed cut off the head of Suguru Geto's body, however, Yuta didn't destroy Kenjaku's Brain which he used in taking control over his host body, this makes many uncertain about the death of Kenjaku, his words "My will shall be Carried on" make's many ponder if Yuta gave the final blow, or if Kenjaku has already made use of his Brain Hopping technique to take over yet another body!


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