Sarada and Sumire are they immune to Eida's Enchantment Abilities, Boruto chapter 76 indept Review


 All in all Boruto chapter 76 left a big void we haven’t have answers to, or do we, let see, the Question still persist do, why Sarada and Sumire ain’t enchanted by Eida Abilities, an ability she herself had no control over.

 Well Guess what you guys were indeed right, or kinda, either ways we find more facts to prove the theories of Sumire and Sarada loves towards Boruto being the Reasons for both of them not getting enchanted by her Abilities.

I definitely know many of you would have already come out with a Theory suggesting Sumire and Sarada having links to an Ohtsutsuki bloodline, well if that's the case, Naruto and Sasuke wouldn't be caught under her enchantment abilities right, also don't forget they  Both got Hogomoro Sixth path Chakra in them, you see what I mean, this fact itself totally Debunked Such theories right away !!

The truth is that you can only truly Love a single Ohtsutsuki, and when you do, you become bounded to them, totally becoming immune to any love charms, this explains why Eida chooses to Love's Kawaki and instantly after first sight/Gaze at Kawaki she Became totally bounded with him(Kawaki), she even made it known she doesn't understand the basic Reason why she's Totally all Down for him, even when she gat two options (Boruto and Kawaki) she can't seem to have any single feelings for Boruto, that's basically because she has indeed bounded with Kawaki, Let me explain more on it

Due to the Cumulative evolution of Ohtsutsuki's over the years, they unintentionally affect those around them to maintain a stable society within their clan, this means once an Ohtsutsuki have /harbour feelings for another species or seems interested in them, their control over that species can't be usurped by another Ohtsutsuki, this is already evident in their culture, with the Ohtsutsuki Tablet Shown at Chapter 35 being confirm to explain the Rankings of Ohtsutsuki's, with the highest Ranking members we know so far being Isshiki Ohtsutsuki, Ohtsutsuki usually go out in pairs, their loyalty to each other being necessary for the success of their Mission and their Survival, not just that it help keeps balance within the Clan in general, let's take Momoshiki and Kinchiki as an example, Kinchiki followed Every words of Momoshiki to the last word without any Questions, doubt or Issues between themselves, He even sacrificed himself for the success of their Mission, if another Ohtsutsuki tried to stop or control Kinchiki he wouldn't have succeeded that's all thanks to their cumulative evolved genetic biological code, However we saw the opposite in Kaguya Ohtsutsuki case, did we??

Well the Bound was broken in Kaguya case when she fall in love with a human, this enable Kaguya Ohtsutsuki to Betray Isshiki which was deemed a phenomenal unthinkable by the Ohtsutsuki at that time, hence they themselves asked Questions that needed answers!!

Eida ineffect is and Ohtsutsuki, that's because she was created with the Corps/cells of Shibai Ohtsutsuki who's known to be the Ohtsutsuki God , Eida's charms may be the enhanced application of this Ohtsutsuki Shibai biological Traits, which Would've be a trigger that releases high level of Pheromones to those Around her, Don't forget Momoshiki himself said Eida enchantment abilities ain't SHINJUTSU, and on the Current chapter he figured something out in relations to Eida's enchantment abilities. 

Sumire made it known to Sarada that she indeed Love Boruto , while Sarada on the other hand loves Boruto too do she's secretive about it, Let's be straight forward if Sarada doesn't love Boruto Eida wouldn't have asked such questions in the first place, Boruto Being a full blown out Ohtsutsuki who's loved by Sarada and Sumire, who he himself Love's back fully , they(Sumire and Sarada) can't be manipulated / Affected by Eida's enchantment abilities, thanks to Boruto being an Ohtsutsuki, who also love them back respectively do he unknowingly acknowledged their feelings towards him, based on the Ohtsutsuki genetic biological code, with the looks of it Boruto has kinda bounded with Sarada and Sumire thus making it impossible for another Ohtsutsuki to Manipulate or bend them to his or her will, that explains why they ain't caught under Eida's enchantment abilities.


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