Reasons why the Otsutsuki's are immune to Genjustu

I bet many of you have taught about this once in a while, definitely we all know it's kinda something many look over, however it's quite highly reasonable to Discuss and have a chat About it, Why exactly Genjustu don't work on Otsutsuki's

   The Straight up answer to this will be because they're God's, Nonetheless it still doesn't clerify Neither justify the reason why Genjustu can’t be Use Against Otsutuski fully to our understanding.

Here are the Reasons Why 

First and Foremost, Otsutsuki are capable of erasing their chakra, thus making it quite impossible for their chakra to be detected , this is the straight up reason why Otsutsuki can be cultivating, existing in the Shinobi world or an alternate dimensions and still One can't even notice nor Senses their presence, With this ability they have, It’s quite Easy for them to nullify, Fake their presence and eventually Counterattack whatsoever Genjustu Out there.

 Secondly we All know that the Otsutsuki pretty much started the whole Chakra Evolution In The Shinobi world, all thanks to Kaguya, they did passed their chakra genetics to all in the Shinobi world, however they have quite evolved from that genetics to a pretty much superior Genetics that's miles away from that passed down by Kaguya, this was possible because of their consistent world domination via planting the ten tails, cultivating it's chakra fruit for the continues evolving of their species genetics, which so far has gotten them to a state of being Genetically Superior to all in the Shinobi worlds, while for other Otsutsuki the continuous evolution brought them to a State of Godhood( Otsutsuki Shibia )

Finally the Otsutsuki's got pretty superior Dojustu, Otsutsuki's are Quite Known for having Powerful Godly Dojustu, this is also known by all in the Shinobi World, eating the God Tree Fruit doesn't just grant one multiple Chakra or genetic Supremacy, it also Grant's one Powerful Dojustu, these are Reningan, Reninsharigan,Tenseigan and possibly Jougan, all the Dojustu mentioned pretty much grant Otsutsuki's a level of supremacy over Genjustu.

Take note do they are quite immune to Genjustu all thanks to the facts we pretty much pointed out to you guys, they're yet not immune to Infinite Tsukoyomi, the battle that took place during the 4 great ninja war, justify our stance. Well maybe the continues evolving of the Otsutuski's later on the long run can grant them supremacy over the Infinite Tsukoyomi, However we're yet to See.


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